Saturday, November 10, 2007

Golf Profiles

There are two types of golfers.

The first is the player who is constantly changing their game in a search for the perfect method. The try every tip the get from their playing companions, from every article they read and every segment they see on television. Their golf experience is one huge experiment and never the same from one day to the next and every shot is a compensation based on the results of the previous stroke.

The second is the player who is has stayed with the same basics throughout their golf careers. They are very slow to change and if they do try something new they know why they are making the change and exactly what results they expect. If this player has trouble with their game they always go back to the fundamentals they were taught as beginners, and work the issues out from there.

There are also two types of instructors.

The first is the instructor that has developed the one perfect method that works for every player. If a student differs from their teaching, then the instructor expects a full-scale overhaul, over a long period of time, to bring the player on line with their teachings. They like to tell their students, “You will never be any good if you continue blah, blah, blah.” Which when you translate from golf speak to English means, “Its my way or the highway.”

The second is the instructor who understands there is no perfect method, only the perfection of a personal method. These teachers tend to watch more than demonstrate and listen more than talk. When they do talk they relate every suggestion to fundamentals and not theory. They think in terms of evolution and not creation when it pertains to your game.

During our careers our instructors have had the chance to spend some time with a number of Hall of Fame players. At each opportunity they have asked what made these players better than their competition? There was a common theme among all the answers and we addressed it in this essay. We hope the effort to find it and understand it is of value to your golf experience.

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