Friday, April 8, 2011

Lesson 68 and Annual Springtime Golf Review

Lesson 68-Decisions-How will it get there? High-Low Curved or Straight. Decide before you step up to the ball. Midswing thoughts don't work.

Annual Springtime Golf Review.
If you follow golf at all, you have been bombarded with information about what you need for the upcoming golf season. New grooves in your wedges, club heads painted white, and adjustable … well almost anything. For the sake of your scores, I think it is important to separate what you need from what you want. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing like the thrill of having something new. But, I want you shoot lower scores and painting a golf club a certain color isn’t going to help that much. So what do we need to start the year?
First is the annual golf bag check. Clean everything out of the bag. It is amazing how things collect. Now is the time to inventory those items you never think you need, until you do. Gloves, golf balls, tees, first aid items, sunscreen, loose change or ball markers, pain killers, rain gear are a few possible items. A staffer at the Academy even carries individual packets of lemonade mix in case of poor tasting water. Don’t skip the rain gear, even if you never play in poor weather. I wish I had a dollar for every time someone ripped their shorts or pants while they were playing. Regardless, be prepared. Nothing is more annoying than not having something you need in the middle of a round.
Next, check your golf clubs. Are your grips in good shape? I’ll bet most of you would benefit from replacing your old grips. Grips are not meant to last the lifetime of your clubs. Some wear faster than others, but if it has been more than two seasons since you changed your grips, it is time to change. It is pretty hard to hit good golf shots if you can’t hold on to the club.
When checking your golf clubs, it is a good time to think about whether your set makeup satisfies your needs as a player. Trouble hitting a three wood? Maybe it is the club and not you. Do you seem to hit many of your clubs the same distance? There are thousands of equipment options out there to help solve that problem. There is an equipment match for every type of swing. It is a huge benefit to your golf scores to use the equipment that suits your style. Find a good instructor/club fitter to help you work out the problem.
Finally, as you do get outside and have a chance to play, start slow. I don’t care what kind of physical shape you are in; swinging a golf ball with the intent to do harm to the ball is a different type of activity. The last thing we want is for you to start the season with a muscle pull or soreness that ruins the first part of the season. Make sure you warm up before you play. Even if you can’t hit balls, try something to get the blood flowing before you start your round. You will play better and feel better for it.

1 comment:

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