Friday, December 16, 2011

Winter Analysis of your Golf Swing.

There are two phases of learning to swing a golf club. The first is the application of the basics. We have to learn to position ourselves to swing the club as it was designed to be swung. As a player we have control of three things. Where the clubface is pointed at impact (direction), the direction the club head moves as it approaches impact (spin and curve) and how fast to move the club and still control the first two. It is very important to remember that we don’t control the distance the ball flies. That is controlled by the golf club. So how should I hold the club to control the face, and where do I stand? This is very much the same for every golfer. Keep in mind it is best to use the club as a reference for where you stand as each club is built differently. I have found the best way is to grip the club, set the club on the ground, with the face pointed in the direction you want the ball to go. From there move the shoulders perpendicular to the clubface. Now let your hips and feet follow the lead of you shoulders. Do it this way and the rest gets easy
Phase 2 is to find an efficient sequence of motion. How do you start the club away from the ball, how do you finish your backswing, and what initiates the movement of the club to the ball? As you develop the sequence do not try to dictate where the club goes. The sequence of movement will take care of this for you. Once you find a sequence, you will discover you may need to make adjustments in three categories,
1. Control of the clubface. The ball is going to go start where the face is pointed at impact. The sequence you chose must maintain the relationship of the position of the clubface to the arms throughout the swing.
2. Determine if the swing is in balance with the movement of the club. A body in motion will seek a point of balance. If I lose my balance, my body will try to correct the problem on its own. This is rarely a good thing. The problem usually occurs when the body counters the movement of the club. For example, as the club moves right the body moves left to counter the weight of the club. This would be great if we were trying to stay in the same spot. But we aren’t, we are trying to swing the club with some speed and that takes some movement. It is much more efficient for the player to move with the club rather than against it.
3. How fast can I perform this motion, maintain my balance and control the clubface. It helps to now remember something I mentioned earlier. The club determines the distance the ball flies, not the player. Our job is to learn to swing each club with a similar effort that allows us to stay in control.
A little time this winter working on these principles can do wonders in helping your golf game for next season.

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