Sunday, February 4, 2018

Finding help for your Golf Game.

I was recently asked what to look for in an golf instructor.

I am not sure I have an answer, but I do have some suggestions.

1. Find someone who will help you define your stroke or swing sequence. Technology has allowed us to move past paying for generic instruction. Specific help is available.

2. Are you looking for a coach or swing technician? The search for perfect mechanics is beneficial but doesn't always improve scores. It is easy to nit pick and say you don't have a good stroke or swing. Most players don't get what they can out of what they have, so you have to figure out what you need.

3. Make sure the conversation includes finding the right equipment for you and the movement you have defined. Club Fitting is more than just equipment specifications. Set make up is just as important. 

4. Avoid what I call the Best Way Syndrome. There is a big difference between the best way for you and an instructor's personal preference. ALL  of the arguments you might read on social media are a result of not knowing the difference.

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