Wednesday, April 10, 2019

DIY Putter Fitting 5

One of the key components of a good fit is to match what you feel to what you see. It is the reason our vision test is our primary concern. For the DIYer it is about finding where you see it best, then matching your posture and grip placement to match what you see. So many times I watch a player meticulously aim the putter, only to move the putter because their hand position or posture doesn't feel "right" based on what they see. In addition, I can't tell you how many players have told me about their best set up, only to then tell me that they didn't use it because it "wasn't the right way". 

The best thing you can do for your putting is to start with the idea that there is no right way only what works best for you.
These are 3 of countless options.

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