Lesson 166-Uncommon knowledge? Understanding what works for you. Study
your mechanics. Start with your source of motion. #Lesson31
Lesson 167-More "forgiving" should not be your default position
if you are looking to improve your putting! More forgiving=Less feedback.
Lesson 168-If you can't feel the location of
the strike on the face of the putter, how can you make a correction? Too much
of a good thing?
Lesson 169-Good balance + a consistent source of motion=a
consistent strike pattern on the face of the putter. Common trait of best
Lesson 170-Winter practice? Roll ball online (direction) with different stroke lengths (speed). Use impact tape-find a consistent strike.
Lesson 171-Use indoor practice time to perfect a
consistent source of motion. Single arm, arms together, shoulders around spine.
Pick one!
Lesson 172-A common mechanical conflict? Start the putter
back differently every time. Success starts with consistent motion sequence.
Lesson 173-Making 1000 putts in a row indoors is no help unless you can adjust. Results don't count unless you understand the process
Lesson 173-Making 1000 putts in a row indoors is no help unless you can adjust. Results don't count unless you understand the process
Lesson 174- Putting is a pass/fail exercise-no second chances. Repetitive practice on the same putt only teaches you how to make that putt.