Monday, March 31, 2014

The Next Ten Lessons

 Lesson 166-Uncommon knowledge? Understanding what works for you. Study your mechanics. Start with your source of motion. #Lesson31

 Lesson 167-More "forgiving" should not be your default position if you are looking to improve your putting! More forgiving=Less feedback.

Lesson 168-If you can't feel the location of the strike on the face of the putter, how can you make a correction? Too much of a good thing?

Lesson 169-Good balance + a consistent source of motion=a consistent strike pattern on the face of the putter. Common trait of best putters.

Lesson 170-Winter practice? Roll ball online (direction) with different stroke lengths (speed). Use impact tape-find a consistent strike.

Lesson 171-Use indoor practice time to perfect a consistent source of motion. Single arm, arms together, shoulders around spine. Pick one!

Lesson 172-A common mechanical conflict? Start the putter back differently every time. Success starts with consistent motion sequence.

Lesson 173-Making 1000 putts in a row indoors is no help unless you can adjust. Results don't count unless you understand the process

Lesson 174- Putting is a pass/fail exercise-no second chances. Repetitive practice on the same putt only teaches you how to make that putt.

Lesson 175-Learning to be a good putter might be more about knowing why you miss a putt than it is about why you make one. What goes wrong?

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Putting Lessons 156-165

Lesson 156-Never change mechanics or read based on a single miss. Consistently wrong is better than randomly correct. You can't fix random.
Lesson 157-Putters have a rotational value defined by shaft axis to face, offset, distribution of weight and location of cog in putter head
Lesson 158-Arc size defines rotation. It heps to match grip size to rotation requirement. Bigger for less rotation. Smaller grip for more.
 Lesson 159-Some of the great putting strokes of all time use more rotation than required by their path. Shoulders-arms-putter move in sync.
Lesson 160-SBST motion is simply an arc plane tilted upright. Perception of stroke must match posture. Don't force the arc.
Lesson 161-Don't be fooled by terminology. SBST sounds good, but in reality a very unforgiving method. Arc is more forgiving than straight.
 Lesson 162-All putting strokes are rotary. Even those on an upright plane with the visual appearance of sbst. Think rotation-not path shape.
 Lesson 163-Don't make changes based on illusions. Deal with the facts to avoid conflicts. Most common conflict? Perception of a sbst stroke.
Lesson 164-Before you can putt instinctively you must make a conscious effort to learn the task correctly. Putting is not an inherent skill.

 Lesson 165-Common knowledge leads to common application of knowledge. Uncommon knowledge is what separates the great player from the common.